2012. szeptember 4.

Rob a LAX repréren!

Tegnap délután 3 körül Rob a LAX reptéren volt,itt van pár tweet bejegyzés és egy fotó...

Landed! Now for customs and baggage claim... (@Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
@ranleee haha seriously. I did a double take when I saw him. Typical celeb dress though. Baseball cap, dark glasses, nondescript clothing

@MaryFletcher3 @athenachen0126 @somelostbliss yup! Just an hour or so ago! He was headed to a connecting flight!

@mocking_Bird36 this afternoon! Around 3:00pm :)

@julieta_js looked like he was taking a connecting flight since LAX has connecting flights to the right and the exit to the left for TB Term

@Estelle_stell the guy in the suit next to him was airport personnel. He was escorting him through the airport :)

@RobFan85 it looked like he was since he didn't exit the airport and went to transfers.

@_ohsebastian he seemed pretty relaxed to me and was chatting with the guy escorting him :)

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